
Showing posts from May, 2019

Wellbeing in the Work Place - Is it Working?

   This blog is extremely personal because as a leader I don't think we have really got a grasp on what wellbeing is, so I think I am best starting by saying what it isn't. I have observed over the passed few months how "Wellbeing" in the public sector especially, has become a new fashionable phrase but in reality when you dig beneath the surface of most organisations you have the following ingredients: A department, normally HR or Occupational Health, charged with delivering well-being programs driven by a higher authority, normally central government to tick a box because ill health and mental health are getting worse due to socio-economc environments. So this normally consists of cake and coffee stands to talk about "Wellbeing" whatever that is and posters on the notice boards, most of this is a marketing exercise to sign post people to organisations like Mind, Samaritans, Mindfulness apps and websites etc. Now these a

The Victim Hero Quest - Which are you?

Are You Sure Who Your Quest is Serving? This blog is a really important one, because sometimes we don't know that our quest is more about proving others are wrong, rather than understanding our personal quest to live our passion. Let me explain by saying this. If you are fighting to be heard and it is getting you frustrated or angry or your always telling your boss, someone you work with, maybe a parent, teacher or friend, because you are passionately sure you are right. STOP!!!!!!! You are on your quest and you believe you  are being heroic in trying to change the world, by saying "I AM RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG"  well sorry your a victim not a hero and the hero wants to save the day but your quest will end faster than it's begun. You see the mind YOUR MIND is different to everyone else and yes you may find people with the same quest as you but you may also find people trying to achieve the same quest in a different way, or you may find yo