
Kindness - Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

What a great topic for Mental Health Awareness Week, but I want to share with you a different angle. Firstly, though I want to share the fundamentals of this campaign from the Mental Health Foundation before I put my spin on what I believe is the missing link. Why kindness?   We have chosen kindness because of its singular ability to unlock our shared humanity. Kindness strengthens relationships, develops community and deepens solidarity. It is a cornerstone of our individual and collective mental health. Wisdom from every culture across history recognises that kindness is something that all human beings need to experience and practise to be fully alive.   Kindness and Mental Health   Kindness is defined by doing something towards yourself and others, motivated by genuine desire to make a positive difference.   We know from the research that kindness and our mental health are deeply connected. The research shows that kindness is an antidote to isolat

I went shopping and got my shopping for FREE!!!

I want to tell you about this amazing experience!!!! So money is really tight and I am sure you know what I mean, so when you need something so much in your life you have to make choices. Let me tell you what are my priorities So I knew that the alcohol I was drinking was really important in my life. God I could not live without my mobile phone, those Tik Tok videos don't make themselves. What are you watching on Netflix at the moment, personally I am making my way through every box set at the moment. How much are fags at the moment it's costing me £70, I want to give up but it is so hard. Anyway back to my story, so money is tight and I go to the shops and I haven't got much money so I have heard that there are some deals on at the moment and I go to the local shop to inquire  about the deals. I get talking to one of the shop assistants and say I need to nourish my body, I need food but I haven't got much money. I asked if I c

What PPE are you wearing

Aren't words powerful? Do you know your WHY - Your Purpose - WHY you are here? Do you have a feeling that there needs to be something else to this life? It's bigger than you, it's not actually achievable, but you want to do it anyway? Martin Luther King said "I Have a Dream" - what is your dream? Life is not about the end goal, it's about the experience as we transcend from one season to another. At the moment it may be winter and things may be tough, but it's just a season as you wait for the frost to thaw. The aim is to have a purpose, not for stuff but for Peace , Love and Freedom Not outwardly but within. When we love ourselves, when we love the spirit of who we are, warts and all we will find flow, happiness, it's called being present because it's a gift. God, Spirit the universe pick your creator they are just names, words. Those same people who you believe have the answers because they have position, author

Wellbeing in the Work Place - Is it Working?

   This blog is extremely personal because as a leader I don't think we have really got a grasp on what wellbeing is, so I think I am best starting by saying what it isn't. I have observed over the passed few months how "Wellbeing" in the public sector especially, has become a new fashionable phrase but in reality when you dig beneath the surface of most organisations you have the following ingredients: A department, normally HR or Occupational Health, charged with delivering well-being programs driven by a higher authority, normally central government to tick a box because ill health and mental health are getting worse due to socio-economc environments. So this normally consists of cake and coffee stands to talk about "Wellbeing" whatever that is and posters on the notice boards, most of this is a marketing exercise to sign post people to organisations like Mind, Samaritans, Mindfulness apps and websites etc. Now these a