I went shopping and got my shopping for FREE!!!

I want to tell you about this amazing experience!!!!

So money is really tight and I am sure you know what I mean, so when you need something so much in your life you have to make choices.

Let me tell you what are my priorities

So I knew that the alcohol I was drinking was really important in my life.

God I could not live without my mobile phone, those Tik Tok videos don't make themselves.

What are you watching on Netflix at the moment, personally I am making my way through every box set at the moment.

How much are fags at the moment it's costing me £70, I want to give up but it is so hard.

Anyway back to my story, so money is tight and I go to the shops and I haven't got much money so I have heard that there are some deals on at the moment and I go to the local shop to inquire about the deals.

I get talking to one of the shop assistants and say I need to nourish my body, I need food but I haven't got much money.

I asked if I could have all my food for free or at least at a discount.

To my surprise the shop assistant said "let me speak to my manager".

The manager comes and says "You have asked if you can have your shopping for free because you are hungry is that right and you have no money?"

I say "yes", so he says "let me have a think", he says he wants to help, but if he gives me my shopping for free or at a reduced rate he would have to give that to everyone else.

In the end being a good and talented man, he agrees, in fact he says he will give everyone their food for free.


So the shop gives everything away.

A few weeks later I went back to get my food for free again and the shop is closed.

I then noticed a man outside - he looked sad, it was the manager.

I asked him "what had happened" and he explained.

"I spent 20 years learning how to be a manager, I have always taken pride in looking after people, my staff always told me I was really nice and I always helped people".

"I spent £20,000 on my own training and spent time away from my family and went through some tough times, but all of these experiences allowed me to get my job, it gave me the skills and talents to build a workforce that not only provided employment for my staff but also for all the other businesses who relied on us".

"I sacrificed so many things and I have lost everything"

"That's terrible I said, this shouldn't happen to a person like you"

So I asked "how did this happen, you are such a nice guy, so talented and had so much to offer the world, what will we do now if their is no food?"

"Do you remember when you asked for help because you had no money and I gave you your shopping for free and then everyone else wanted it for free or at a reduced rate".

Yes "I said, that was so generous of you, it meant I could continue smoking, pay my Netflix subscription and feed my bad habits, which I wish I could get rid of".

He continued "Well your shop was £300 and to make it fair we let everyone else have it for free and we had 30,000 people in one week which was £9,000,000".

"Wow that is a lot of money" I said.

"Yes, well we couldn't pay our bills so because of that all our suppliers didn't get paid and because of that we couldn't pay our staff, like me they are homeless too".

"So now I have no money, no home, I have great talent but I am broke, because I gave my gifts away, I am so hungry"

He looked at me and said "could you help me" and I said, "I am so sorry, I don't have any money and I need to go to another shop now and get some more free food, so I can continue to invest in things that keep pain from my door".

"It's a real shame someone else can't help you, I liked shopping here, the food was great value and tasted amazing, the service was fantastic and nothing was too much trouble, but I don't see why I should have to pay for that".

You are a nice guy I wish you all the best.

So how many of you believe this story is true?

It is true of so many of us that we believe we have a right to take without returning that value back to the person who may have been through great sacrifice to attain the thing we want.

Many people who value serving a greater good will often suffer great pain to help others and they do that willingly and the world needs these people. However if they are not fed and watered, if their basic needs are not met, they will perish and along side them, you will to, eventually.

If you are sitting there reading this and you:

1. Suffer with anxiety and are spending your money on cigarettes, alcohol, clothes, media, gadgets and crap that actually ads no value in your life but they distract you from having the life you dream of because life is hard.

2. You prefer to take for yourself and don't see the impact of you asking for things for free or cheap and believe that people should give you that.

3. Feel like crap smoking yourself to death and saying I can't get help because I can't afford it.

4. Anything else that makes you feel pain, not feeling good enough, thinking you can't have an amazing life.

Ask yourself this......what am I willing to sacrifice to attain the thing that someone else has. 

The answer, the secret.

How do you feel?

How would it feel to be free from all that pain?

How would life be, to feel good about yourself?

How would life be that you felt so good that you could speak your truth and be who you want to be?

How would it feel to feel alive?

What if I told you that can be a reality in just 2 hours?

How would you feel?

What if I told you that you had to give me something for it?

What if I told you that for me to give you that knowledge that energy, that nutrition you would have to pay for it?

How do you feel?

We think nothing of paying for food to nourish our bodies and it would not enter our mind to ask for it for free or at a reduced rate, although yes we all love a deal.

We would never think twice of paying Netflix and Sky every month to entertain us.

We think nothing of paying corporate companies thousands of pounds a year to ingest harmful toxins into our bodies.

We think nothing of paying £49 a month to have the latest smartphone.

We think nothing of wasting our lives away.

But we are more than willing to not seek help to eradicate the feelings that we hide behind everyday.

We prefer to pretend life is amazing whilst suffering with anxiety and tension and then we pop pills to mask that pain.

And all the time their are people who can take that all away in just 2 hours.

Give you freedom, peace, self worth, purpose, joy, love - everything that we dream of, but we prefer to dream and not take action.

You see life is like breathing, if we take too much, like taking a breath in, eventually it will hurt.

If we give to much, like breathing out, we will suffer the same, like the shop manager, without oxygen you will die.

Everything is energy, so if you wish to receive the most abundant life, receive more energy I want to share some wisdom.

If you don't want to fall over in life, you must find balance, you must seek the air which will allow you to breath the deepest, find the people who serve your zest to live and not to take your life from you.

When you find those people give to them the energy they need to sustain there life.

Because when you invest in those who have purpose, you will receive back in ways you can never imagine.

You both move forward and infect everyone around you with the same purpose, love, freedom and peace.

Life is about choice, but I ask this thing of you.

When someone has the answer to taking the pain away and you ask them for the answer for free. 

Stop......Pause......and Think.....then ask them.

"What did you give up to achieve this knowledge and you will find the investment they made to gain their knowledge is far greater than the price you will pay to receive it".

As for me I help people break free in just 2 hours and my 21 day programme changes peoples lives forever.

How much did that cost me to attain that knowledge........Nearly my life.

So when you work with me know that you pay me because I nearly lost my life, but I made a simple choice to put myself in debt, my wife and children second, to spend thousands of pounds and hours to attain the knowledge that will set you free in just 2 hours.

What are you willing to give up to have that experience, or are you going to do what I did and wait until it nearly kills you.

Your choice!!!!!!


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