
Showing posts from March, 2019

The Hate Crime that is Peoples attitude to Mental Health

You Know You Have Done Wrong, Stop Making Excuses Behind the Mask of Pain If you look hard enough and actually really open your eyes and your ears, the masks that people wear to hide their insecurities can easily be seen, they can reveal themselves and this simple change in attitude will stop the hate crime that is poor mental health.  But that means YOU need to recognise that people are different and difference can be hidden. So what do I mean by that?  Wellbeing isn't a process, it isn't a webpage, an app, it's not a service you go to when you are in crisis.  It is an attitude towards something that is not tangible. It is everything we are and everything we do, it is not an outcome. I will explain based on my own experience and prejudice towards me. If I said to someone: "You know you did wrong being gay, stop making excuses" "Yes he is laid back, his family come from the Caribbean, that's how he is, what can you d

Before You Get Therapy - Just Stop & Breath

One of my favourite films of all time, Dead Poets Society is such a sad film when you realise how much suffering Robin Williams was going through in his own life. The quote 'Carpe Diem - Seize the day' still resonates with me as I read so much about the weight everyone is carrying on their shoulders and the filters we all put up now a days. I recently read an article on smiling depression and I really love this phrase, as I see so many people suffering with this and now being a therapist it is so hard not to preach about how I can help to fix it, when the truth is, as a therapist, I can't fix anyone.  All I can do is facilitate someones transformation but they first must make that decision to seize the day and break the cycle. That is why we need to breath. My personal journey is a classic case of of lack of trust in the system and people, being told I need help and then being let down.  I now know the problem was me and I cannot blame anyone else because no o

How your parents took away your dreams!!

Re-frame your reality and let go of the past How did we form our limiting beliefs I have thought long and hard about what is really preventing people from living the most amazing lives (myself included) and whilst speaking to my clients and listening to amazing coaches as part of my own development it is clear that our parents have messed us up. OK that sounds harsh, but what is true, is that  we are all a product of our environment and at the center of that environment is the single truth, which science has proven that from 0-8 we are like sponges, taking in information subconsciously. I remember seeing this in my son who would frustrate me through his day dreaming, however he was in his subconscious, that place my wife and I called Alex world and in reality we wanted to be in Alex world too. So when did it change, how did we become these self limiting factual automated humans who choose to survive not thrive - When did we choose to accept our fate? Think of your body as